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Archive of photo-sharing themes Sept 2018 - Aug 2019

Thursday 27th September 2018: "Motion photography and shutter speed". The idea is to take photos of anything that moves - people and animals walking or running, birds flying, boats sailing, cars passing, children playing, or an interesting scene happening in the street or at some event you are at. We would like you not just to shoot on AUTO, but to experiment with different shutter speeds, as well as pressing the shutter at what you think is the appropriate moment that gives a great composition.

Thursday 25th October 2018: "Reflections". You can interpret this as broadly as you wish, but some things you might like to try are: reflections in water (good opportunities on the River Exe and the Canal); reflections in house, shop or car windows (you can get interesting composites of the interior and the street outside); reflections in mirrors (simultaneous images of the same object from different viewpoints); reflections in metal objects (teapots, spoons,...) - the possibilities are endless!

Thursday 22nd November 2018: "Low light photography". You can interpret this theme in either a pictorial or a technical way. Low-light conditions, including night-time, twilight or simply indoors, offer many opportunities for atmospheric pictures. For example, the time around sun-set when the street-lights and shop-lights start to come on, can often look very beautiful. But low-light conditions also present technical challenges, and one often has to think carefully about the best combination of shutter speed, aperture and ISO. Sometimes, but definitely not always, a tripod may be necessary. Hopefully, our photo-sharing will be an opportunity to discuss all these things.

Thursday 24th January 2019: "Winter weather" and "Editing - before and after". Because of the long interval from the November meeting to the January meeting, we are setting two themes, one subject-based and the other technical. For the "Winter weather" theme, the subject of your photo should be the weather itself, conveying the feeling of winteriness, which might include frost, snow (will we get any?), cold drizzle... (it's a really fun theme!). The "Editing - before and after" theme is meant to build on ideas presented by Kris in our November meeting. Using images that benefit a lot from editing, you should show what the image was like before and after you edited it. You can choose to show images from either theme, or both.

Thursday 28th February 2019: "Ecclesiastic". As always, you are free to interpret this in as broad a way as you wish. Views of the interior or exterior of churches, including large or small architectural details, are welcome, as are religious vestments, statues, books, relics, ceremonies, etc. 

Thursday 28th March 2019: There are two themes for this month: "Intentional camera movement" and "boats". The theme of "ICM" builds on the talk given by Kris Frank at the meeting of Thursday 28th February. The emphasis here is on blurring, streaking and other creative effects produced by intentional movement of your camera, rather than by motion of the subject of your photo. The theme of "boats" can be interpreted as broadly as you wish, and includes anything from rowing-boats to aircraft carriers.

Thursday 25th April 2019: There's a subject-based theme and a technical theme for this month. The subject-based theme is "street", which, as always, can be interpreted in any way you wish. The technical theme is "depth of field", in which your photos should explore some of the possibilities noted in Mike's talk on this topic at the March meeting.  

Thursday 23rd May 2019: The subject-based theme for this month is "transport", which can include anything like cars, bicycles, trains, boats, planes... There is also a concept-based theme, which is "sparkling". This again can be interpreted in as wide a sense as you wish.

Thursday 27th June 2019: This month's subject-based theme is "shadows". The concept-based theme is "resting", which includes anything from people snoozing on deck-chairs to cats enjoying a well-earned rest on the sofa.

Thursday 25th July 2019: The subject-based theme for this month is "coast", which covers anything to do with the boundary between land and sea. The concept-based theme is "waiting", where the idea is to portray any kind of thumb-twiddling, heel-kicking inactivity.

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