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We hold monthly meetings in the Wesley Room at the Mint, which is on Fore Street in Exeter. These meetings are at 2pm on the fourth Thursday of every month and usually last for one-and-a-half hours. Our meetings sometimes feature a talk by a member of the group, or occasionally by a member of another U3A group. Each meeting will also be a chance for members to show and discuss their photos, and a theme will usually be set for each meeting. In addition, we encourage members to raise questions about the use of their cameras, about different kinds of camera they may be considering, and about editing and post-processing. Naturally, questions like this often need a bit of discussion, so cannot always be answered on the spot. 

We hope that the subjects of the talks will be quite wide-ranging, sometimes being about a famous photographer of the past or present, at other times about an interesting technical issue in taking or post-processing photos, or perhaps about some social issue involving photography. The choice of topics will depend on what people want to hear about, and also on who is willing and able to give a talk. We emphasise that no-one is expected to give a talk unless they have the time and inclination to do so!

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